24th 2004: Room
G - Blackrod's Entrance - 6pm until 9pm
Citizens' Self-Help and Early Day Motions
with Lawrence
Bloom - Pat Conaty - Simon Ranger
Complementary community currencies, commercial
barter money, credit unions, ethical investment - these are the
tools that citizens have invented for themselves but they are
only palliatives for interest-bearing national debts and debt-based
banking and finance. At the same time, there is still hope that
Parliamentarians will also tackle the issues of record profits
by banks that coincide with record levels of personal, corporate
and national indebtedness.
Early Day Motion 323, entitled PUBLIC CREDIT FOR PUBLIC PURPOSES,
was tabled by Austin Mitchell MP on December 17th 2003 and set
out with six signatures (now 20). Voters should bring the topic
to the attention of their MP and invite Parliamentarians to appreciate
the degree to which political life has become a financial issue.
EDM 323 again invites the Treasury to investigate the benefits
of increasing the money supply through 'publicly created money'.
Publicly created money is inherently interest-free whereas interest
on National Debt constitutes some 5% of taxpayers' money - this
year slightly less than the military budget. Who
benefits? And how does the exponential growth of compounding interest
affect the country's economy when the Government's budget is equal
to some 40% of the nation's money supply?
Following an innovative, highly respected and successful career
in the property business Lawrence Bloom decided to take
a prolonged sabbatical and in 1996 began to travel the world extensively,
furthering his studies of business and spiritual philosophies
and practice. Since then he has spent significant amounts of time
with International Spiritual Leaders, and with personalities at
the cutting edge of the transformation movement in business, focusing
on connecting communities and monetary systems.
Pat Conaty was born in the USA, has lived in Britain since
1978. He was Senior manager at Birmingham Settlement, an inner
city regeneration agency from 1985 -1999 and founded many innovative
services including the National Money Advice Training Unit, National
Debtline, Business Debtline and the Aston Reinvestment Trust -
the first mutually owned, community reinvestment fund in the UK.
He currently works as a consultant with the New Economics Foundation
and is an Honorary Research Fellow at the University of Birmingham.
He has published many reports in the field of monetary advice,
fuel poverty, ecological enterprise, the social economy and community
reinvestment He is a Trustee of the Scarman Trust and a Director
of Birmingham Credit Union Development Agency.
Simon Ranger entered the advertising industry in the mid-1970s.
He was a Copywriter and later Creative Director in London, New
York and Stockholm before forming his own advertising agency.
It won International, European, American and Scandinavian Advertising
Awards and distinguished itself for Export Achievement. In 1992
Simon founded Probono, a not-for-profit organisation for business
and human development. Between 1998 and 2000 Simon was a director
of Maxicrop International Ltd, the UK originator of liquid seaweed
for horticulture. He is a board member of a small group of companies
involved in the harvesting, manufacturing, distribution and retailing
of wild seaweeds for nutrition and healthcare.